We make it possible for teen writers to quench a literary thirst that they didn't even realize they've been aching to sate, creatively. —delmetria millener, founder
Young Writers Contest 2023

In partnership with The Dallas Literary Festival and Southern Methodist University (SMU), #TeenWritersProject sponsors the annual writing contest for teens that seeks to celebrate the literary finesse and storytelling savvy of young writers.
Candidates submit their creative work for a chance to win a cash prize, be published, get featured in The #TWP Quarterly Lit Zine. Attend the festival and watch the winners read their stories live in March.
During the weeks leading up to the contest deadline, #TWP hosts virtual weekly craft sessions. Contestants receive peer feedback and are able to discuss their stories before they submit.
Ages: 14 - 18
Contest Opens: December 1, 2022
Contest Closes: January 25, 2023
Max. Word Count: 3,000
Candidates submit their creative work for a chance to win a cash prize, be published, get featured in The #TWP Quarterly Lit Zine. Attend the festival and watch the winners read their stories live in March.
During the weeks leading up to the contest deadline, #TWP hosts virtual weekly craft sessions. Contestants receive peer feedback and are able to discuss their stories before they submit.
Ages: 14 - 18
Contest Opens: December 1, 2022
Contest Closes: January 25, 2023
Max. Word Count: 3,000
By giving, you are creating opportunities for teens to write, be published, and get paid.
Live What You Love! I Do!
©2020-2023 by #TeenWritersProject. All rights reserved in all media.
©2020-2023 by #TeenWritersProject. All rights reserved in all media.
#TeenWritersProject is a Dallas-based, international, nonprofit 501(c)3, tax-exempt organization committed to making writing accessible, engaging and fun for teens, especially those in vulnerable populations. Books, magazines, movies, stories, films, plays, songs, discussions, posts, writers, or anyone in the writing and publishing industries mentioned on this website or on our social media channels, may contain content, subjects, topics, or premises that may be too mature or may seem offensive for sensitive or easily triggered audiences. Please note that our mention of these aforementioned media and/or people, etc., does not necessarily constitute our endorsement, recommendation, or support.
Powered by the energy of teens since 2018